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Showing posts from January, 2018


Happy 2018! I just absolutely love the thought of a fresh start on new year's day. It's like the start of a new week but on a much bigger scale. Normally when I set goals each year I jot them down on a piece of paper that gets lost in the shuffle a few weeks later. This year I vowed to change that. Even though I hate to admit it, I am constantly on my phone. So I opened up a new note and wrote down my goals. I even ventured to brainstorm a bit about ideas I have been dreaming up. Now every time I hop on Instagram or do a quick email check, I can easily scroll through my goals, note my progress, and reset my path for tackling things that are already forgotten. On top of that, I'm setting smaller weekly goals. 3 small things that I can accomplish  in one week  to set me on target for crushing my overall yearly goals.  One of my biggest goals this year is to try and sew clothing. Yikes, right?! Give me a zipper pouch or a quilt any day. Straight forward and to the po...