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Showing posts from August, 2018

Life Update: August 2018

Friends! 2018 has certainly gotten away from me. I had such grand plans for Amaia Papaya, but then life with two young kids happened. I went back to my day job in January and my husband picked up a second job around the same time. That meant my sewing & blogging time was cut back to nearly nothing. But I am still here, still committed to making things happen. Why? Because this is what I love. Sewing, creating, writing, and sharing my journey. My son's first birthday is coming up fast, and as a gift to myself (because let's be honest, we need to celebrate mom for getting through the 1st year!) I'm committing to carving out time for sewing writing, reading again (it's been several YEARS since I've picked up and completed a book), and making self-care/health a priority. It's not that I've stopped sewing during the past 8 months. It's just that it has felt hectic, forced and quite honestly I should have been sleeping instead. Fast forward to tod...