Another month has flown by! September marked a very exciting month for our family as little Alexander turned the big one year old! It's crazy how time flies with kids. When people say the days are slow but the years are FAST, they are completely right. Family apple picking trip 2018! Last month brought us on a family trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire, lots of weekend fall activities, and the beginning of ballet class for Amaia. It was a fun yet relaxing month also filled with lots of sewing and market prep. In maker world, crazy season starts about mid-October until Christmas time, so I'm trying to squeeze in as much work as I can these days. September was fun, so I'm excited to share my favorites: 1. Portsmouth Fabric Company: We took a quick family trip to one of my absolute favorite fabric & quilt shops in Portsmouth, NH. If you are in the local area this shop is an absolute MUST. They have an amazing selection and there is something magic...